

The main crop of Bastar is paddy. During the kharif season, paddy is mainly grown as there is 2.39 lakh hectare area in the rainy season but in the Bastar region of Chhattisgarh the productivity of this crop is 08.53 quintals / hectare. In the Bastar district, irrigated area (1.67%) and fertilizer use (4.6 kg / ha) is very low, which is inadequate to provide adequate nutrients to the crop. Maize pulses are mainly rabi crops.

The pattern of livelihood in Bastar is being prescribed by tradition. Even today, agricultural practices are traditional. Wood solved is more used, while the number of iron solutions is negligible.

The number of tractors is negligible whereas bullock carts are all broad. The use of traditional farm equipments has reduced the production of agriculture. Kharif crops grown here are paddy, urad, arhar, jowar and maize. Rabi crops include sesame, linseed, mustard, mustard and gram. Collection and sale of forest produce and other forest related work is supplemented by lower agricultural income.

Extremely fortunate in its water resources, this region produces good rains and runs fast due to inadequate terrain. There is a possibility of rain water harvesting.

The main base of the economy of Bastar district, agriculture and forest produce is collection. Agriculture is mainly produced in paddy, maize crops and wheat, jowar, kodo kutki, gram, tur, urad, sesame, Ram sesame, mustard. Besides agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry farming, fisheries also play a supporting role.

Vanopage collection is one of the major sources of livelihood of the villagers here. Trees, Tandu Leaf, Lakh, Dhup, Year Seed, Tamarind, Amchoor, Tuber, Origin, Drugs, are major in the collection of forests.Pathar, Gitti, Murum, Flouri stone, Sand mining are also the allied elements of economy.