
Publication of claim objection list for contractual recruitment on various posts under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Office of the District Panchayat, District Bastar, Jagdalpur

Publication of claim objection list for contractual recruitment on various posts under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Office of the District Panchayat, District Bastar, Jagdalpur
Title Description Start Date End Date File
Publication of claim objection list for contractual recruitment on various posts under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Office of the District Panchayat, District Bastar, Jagdalpur
Publication of claim objection list for 
contractual recruitment on various posts 
under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Office 
of the District Panchayat, District Bastar,
03/12/2024 16/12/2024 View (269 KB) aawas codinator pmay-1 (9 MB) aawas codinator pmay-2 (9 MB) aawas codinator pmay-3 (8 MB) aawas codinator pmay-4 (5 MB) block codinator pmay-1 (8 MB) block codinator pmay-2 (9 MB) block codinator pmay-3 (9 MB) block codinator pmay-4 (9 MB) block codinator pmay-5 (4 MB) data entry opertor pmay-1 (6 MB) data entry opertor pmay-2 (5 MB) technical assistant pmay-1 (7 MB) technical assistant pmay-2 (7 MB) technical assistant pmay-3 (7 MB) other post (216 KB)